Confirmed Entries

72 Total Registrations



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2023 Outdoor League Series

Start Date 01 February 2023
End Date 20 May 2023
Entries Close Not Specified
Rounds Outdoor League Series 30m
Event Type League
Event Level Other
Email webmaster@archerynz.co.nz
Location Your Home Club
Region Other
Event Info Divisions are:
- Open Compound
- Open Compound Handicap
- Open Recurve
- Open Recurve Handicap
- Open Recurve Barebow
- Open Longbow
Schedule 1) The event format is a 30m, 360 round, 36 arrows at 30m, 80cm target. Archers may opt to use either a reduced face (6-10) or a single full sized face.

2) Events shall be run to World Archery rules, but without a requirement for timing or judges.

3) Divisions shall be: Open Compound, Open Recurve, Open Recurve Barebow, Open Longbow, Open Crossbow (no gender or age divisions)

4) Participants must be members of ArcheryNZ.

5) There shall be one round per calendar week (Monday-Sunday) from 1 February to 20 May.

6) Clubs may organise multiple timeslots to shoot the event, but competitors may only shoot one round each per week. Competitors must nominate that they are shooting a League round before commencing, and the round shall be valid for that week as soon as the first scoring end is commenced.

7) All scores must be verified by at least one member of each participating club, and entered into ArcheryOSA by midnight-Sunday

8) Entrance to the League is free of charge for all ArcheryNZ members.

9) Within each division, there shall be an overall championship and a handicapped championship:
a. The Overall Championship shall be determined based on the highest aggregate score of each archer's top 10 submitted scores.
b. The Handicapped Championship shall be determined based on the highest number of Points, awarded as follows:
i. An archer's handicap for each week is calculated = (360 - mean average of previous rounds shot to date in the calendar year). This handicap is added to the archers score to give an adjusted total.
ii. Points are awarded based on the adjusted totals as follows. There shall be no tie breaks - archers finishing on the same score shall be declared of equal position

10) Certificates will be prepared for champions in each division for both the Overall Championship and the Handicapped Championship.